I've reached a certain point in my life ( although I really do hate it when someone uses the word 'life' in a sentence, I just can't seem to take them seriously) where again me and people my age , around me, are faced with a choice, and a decision after four whole years of stability, laziness, routine and monotony. Even though we weren't sure if we had made the right choice for our careers or not, we were sure that till we graduate we don't have to worry about it, because, hell, we're doing this for four years anyway. My friend calls it her 'comfort zone'. We're happy moaning about our semester exams and we find literal delight if more severe torture is inflicted upon us as that makes the reason to moan, complain and hate, stronger. It makes us happy, comfortable.
Then suddenly you enter a certain year when people around you start acting funny. They don't crack up and burst out laughing when someone asks them " So beta , bade hoke kya banoge?" I mean its funny that they think we have it figured, but that's about it , now.
Suddenly everywhere people are in a flurry to join classes to pursue their GREat careers, they look solemn and pull very straight (and hilarious) faces when this is mentioned. People either already know what they want to since they were kids (freaks) or are figuring our what to do next. They eat up their " Ghaddyat jau de engineering" attitude that is so popular ten minutes before an exam , consult smarter and elder people ( evidently, the 'seniors') , impulsively agree to internships and write their first draft of their resume. They Google the outline for a CV (and the meaning too probably) and then conversations like " Abe mere achievements kya hain be?" " Are chod, ye le , mere likh le" float around a lot. Forgive us for the xeroxing act, but after a while, the copying just becomes a habit and no longer even registers after the initial few times. Training and Placement is an issue that everyone is talking about, and the T & P in charge becomes the most talked about person in college.
Photo: 4cherrylimos.com
My point is , that everyone is already started with their next lives. Slowly now people will begin to use new phrases like "application form" " accepted"and " package". You'll see the people who you've come to know in jeans, shorts , suddenly turn up after an internship or a job interview wearing trousers, shirts without three fourth folds or a brand new salwar kameez. You'll be left wondering if these are the same people.
The Sunday morning breakfasts will be rarer, the surprise birthdays at twelve am might demote to a phone call, the college friends bunking a lecture and running to a movie will not probably have a lecture to bunk..
And what is so great about moving on and growing up anyway? Growing apart so I have to miss my best friends engagement (Oh, did I mention, that might start to happen to.) or not be around for the simplest things like birthdays, holidays and Tuesdays?
I wish we were given the chance or the time to stop and say " I've studied for almost 18 solid years of my life, going from school to school and running around for classes (It's a big thing from where I come) , and I deserve a break . To stop running, find closure for completing an era, indulge in its success, congratulate yourself for not turning out to be a complete mess, clear your mind a little, maybe think about my family and how every vacation was ruined due to the perfect combination of orals , practicals and written exams, maybe spend a few weekends with them, or the friends that I met till now, get in touch with those who slipped in your 'friend list' along the way, satisfy myself by (finally) learning the guitar, or taking dancing lessons with my friends, getting back to an old sport. I deserve to take a breather and look around. " Live a little.
But during that time, so many useful things can be taken care of, further studies, jobs, moving out, moving in.. moving on? I'm just guessing so, I would never wholly agree upon it.
I think its only fair to mention that alongside this tab, I also have ' Top schools for further education in..' , 'Internship for students' , ' Procedure and requirement for application' and ' Top ten fun careers' open. (The last one doesn't have anything to do with this, but its just good Googlesense). So I guess we're all guilty here.
My sister is very prompt and particular about sending cards for my exams. I can always do with more luck during exams. This lastest one said, " All the best kiddo, Your last year will be easier- more time. Use it well. Learn languages, read a lot, indulge in yourself, hang around people who'll leave by this year, because , time flies." - Love, Didi.
Then suddenly you enter a certain year when people around you start acting funny. They don't crack up and burst out laughing when someone asks them " So beta , bade hoke kya banoge?" I mean its funny that they think we have it figured, but that's about it , now.

My point is , that everyone is already started with their next lives. Slowly now people will begin to use new phrases like "application form" " accepted"and " package". You'll see the people who you've come to know in jeans, shorts , suddenly turn up after an internship or a job interview wearing trousers, shirts without three fourth folds or a brand new salwar kameez. You'll be left wondering if these are the same people.
The Sunday morning breakfasts will be rarer, the surprise birthdays at twelve am might demote to a phone call, the college friends bunking a lecture and running to a movie will not probably have a lecture to bunk..
And what is so great about moving on and growing up anyway? Growing apart so I have to miss my best friends engagement (Oh, did I mention, that might start to happen to.) or not be around for the simplest things like birthdays, holidays and Tuesdays?
Let Go. Photo: forums.soompi.com |
But during that time, so many useful things can be taken care of, further studies, jobs, moving out, moving in.. moving on? I'm just guessing so, I would never wholly agree upon it.
I think its only fair to mention that alongside this tab, I also have ' Top schools for further education in..' , 'Internship for students' , ' Procedure and requirement for application' and ' Top ten fun careers' open. (The last one doesn't have anything to do with this, but its just good Googlesense). So I guess we're all guilty here.
My sister is very prompt and particular about sending cards for my exams. I can always do with more luck during exams. This lastest one said, " All the best kiddo, Your last year will be easier- more time. Use it well. Learn languages, read a lot, indulge in yourself, hang around people who'll leave by this year, because , time flies." - Love, Didi.