The first class gets over in two hours after which there's not much time to waste.The guys' day is so far going okay.He had a very productive morning.And his energy levels are pretty high so far.He gets ready for the second part of his day which is college.A two hour lecture later he has a long practical.Its not going so well.The experiment to be carried out is long and is ticking away his precious patience.Finally his patience runs out and the experiment is unfinished to be continued next time.His lunch hour runs late and his Professor asks him not to enter late in the class.So he is stuck out of the class.He decides to get some work done in the library and on his way there runs into the HOD of his dept who tells him off for not being in class.And then goes away by murmuring'i will remember this young man'.By now our hero is feeling pretty agitated and depressed.He struggles through college and has a trifle misunderstanding argument with his friend.his friend says to him 'don't be stupid..i swear these days you've become so thick'.The alarm clock on the phone rings.A hand reaches out and hits snooze.Rings again. A groan and another five minute snooze.Finally the third time a groggy guy gets up and switches it off.There's only time to sigh,stretch and get going.The day has just begun.Its six am.its time for the first class of the day.After a hasty breakfast its time to go.
Ordinarily this will not insult him,but today it just sounds mean.
A little hurt and tired (its been twelve hours since he got up) he returns home and calls up his buddies to hang around someplace where he can de-stress a bit.His mother hears this and says ' didn't you just get home?can you stay put for even a sec? ' . He was really looking forward to this.It was his best friends birthday but he feels guilty and cancels his plan only to find his mother not in one of her best moods.She's had a long day too( but of course thats a different story altogether).She grumbles about how he's not behaving well at home these days,how he should start studying,and how he just doesn't these days.The guy has just planned to revise a topic tonight but is hurt that his mother really thinks he wasn't going to study.So now angry,depressed and very tired after sixteen hours he decides to indulge in his only passion,playing the guitar.He tunes it and one of the string breaks.Dejected yet again,he collapses on his study table and makes a 'to-do' list which runs down to 15 things.Money.He's out of money.And he tries to figure how to ask his mother for money to fill in some fuel in his bike.Specially when she was angry at him this night.
He turns the computer on and logs on to his account just to check his mail when his Father storms in and just says "you're online whenever see you aren't you?" .
He gives up the idea of studying knowing that in a few hours he'll have to wake up again,and tries to get some sleep.He makes a mental note of the pen drive he has to give to his friend tomorrow and the practical that he left today that he will have to finish in his lunch hour tomorrow.
What feels like a few minutes later,the alarm clock on his phone rings.
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