Today, I bought a new lip balm. It was fruity, and sparkling. It felt good. After a long day, it gave your mood the tiny lift that it needed. I put it on, and went to pick a friend up. On my way I got stuck in a traffic jam, which is nothing new , if you live where I do. Checking to see if my fresh new balm was still intact, I peeked in the rear view mirror and saw blue lights flashing my way. It was an ambulance. Without the siren. The light was flashing but the siren was switched off.
The driver was trying to gesture with his hands, and by sounding the car's horn. People shifted aside, grumbling and mumbling. No one seemed in a particular hurry. I hastened aside and since it was a slow moving traffic, the Ambulance didn't get too far, and neither did I. It was standing right beside me by now and trying to pave its way out of the mess. I couldn't help myself, I did the most obvious and the most impolite thing to do in such a case. I peeped inside. There was an old lady sitting inside, her hand lying on a shape covered by the blanket. She looked scared, as if it was her first time in a vehicle. She was looking at the traffic,confused, her worry lines becoming more and more prominent with every second. She wore round glasses and a defeated expression. The silent ambulance meant only two things. Either the siren wasn't working. Or there was no need for the hurry.
While we travel by road, most of us forget that we're not the only ones on it. Lanes are non existent to us. There is no concept of a fast lane, or a slow lane. There are just slow vehicles , around whom we buzz through.There is no zebra crossing. There is just a traffic police. Its not the zebra crossing we don't cross, but , forgive me, its the police we don't want to cross. Subways and over head bridges are an unnecessary option which are,eventually, ignored. Driving in the safe speed limit is considered a waste of time. There is always a reason to speed. A traffic signal is followed by a sly look at the traffic police, if there is none, well then you are off, with the trace of a smug and superior look. Overtaking is now an art . Don't get me started about seat belts and helmets. Since when did safety go out of fashion? The helmet is the best creation till date. One of my relatives brother recently passed away in a bike accident. My mother still has nightmares about it.
When you are on road, it stops being just about you . Its about the people you are interacting with when you share a road with them. Its no longer about the image , its about the responsibility. The traffic rules that we no longer even notice while breaking, are there for a reason. It may not be clear why to follow them. But they're there to keep you safe. Every single one of them. Think about your mothers and fathers while you speed. Think about them,when you wrap a scarf around your head , instead of a helmet. And if you can't, at least , keep others safe.
The ambulance finally passed. The old lady looked down upon the shape lying beside her. Arranged the blanket. And then looked up at the traffic again. I said a silent prayer and moved on too. The purpose of the lip balm was completely defeated.
The driver was trying to gesture with his hands, and by sounding the car's horn. People shifted aside, grumbling and mumbling. No one seemed in a particular hurry. I hastened aside and since it was a slow moving traffic, the Ambulance didn't get too far, and neither did I. It was standing right beside me by now and trying to pave its way out of the mess. I couldn't help myself, I did the most obvious and the most impolite thing to do in such a case. I peeped inside. There was an old lady sitting inside, her hand lying on a shape covered by the blanket. She looked scared, as if it was her first time in a vehicle. She was looking at the traffic,confused, her worry lines becoming more and more prominent with every second. She wore round glasses and a defeated expression. The silent ambulance meant only two things. Either the siren wasn't working. Or there was no need for the hurry.
While we travel by road, most of us forget that we're not the only ones on it. Lanes are non existent to us. There is no concept of a fast lane, or a slow lane. There are just slow vehicles , around whom we buzz through.There is no zebra crossing. There is just a traffic police. Its not the zebra crossing we don't cross, but , forgive me, its the police we don't want to cross. Subways and over head bridges are an unnecessary option which are,eventually, ignored. Driving in the safe speed limit is considered a waste of time. There is always a reason to speed. A traffic signal is followed by a sly look at the traffic police, if there is none, well then you are off, with the trace of a smug and superior look. Overtaking is now an art . Don't get me started about seat belts and helmets. Since when did safety go out of fashion? The helmet is the best creation till date. One of my relatives brother recently passed away in a bike accident. My mother still has nightmares about it.

The ambulance finally passed. The old lady looked down upon the shape lying beside her. Arranged the blanket. And then looked up at the traffic again. I said a silent prayer and moved on too. The purpose of the lip balm was completely defeated.
U seen to be quite sensitive...which is gud.But in a country like ours where road accident deaths are more than say like diabetes, the ability to repress things shud actually be healthy n useful for survival!!
You're right. I am sensitive. But then, God forbid, if something happens to us, don't we all become sensitive? I'm just hoping people read about your road accidents to diabetes ratio. Maybe someone will at least think about putting on a helmet the next time , huh?
Absolutely!!! I mean there cant be a second opinion bout wearing helmets n actually following the traffic conduct rules.All I was suggesting is a practical way to deal with things without getting much disturbed .
Funny you mentioned about the traffic rules, just last week I met with an accident. Nothing serious, but just wanted to tell you that even though I was lying right between the road with my bike all messed up people didn’t cared to help me instead diverted their vehicles in other direction and went right pass me. One man who was right behind me believed that some scolding was better than some help. God I was pissed! Anyway my point in this is that men (boys especially) do not even get petite aid when it comes to road mishap, but if a girl, WOOO, people would come running for help, throwing away anything they are undertaking . You should consider yourself lucky to be a girl. Like my mathematics professor always used to say to us, he used to pray every morning to god to make him a female in his next life.
I found your blog today itself and I am already finished with it. I was hoping that your blog had more content, I mean instead of writing a page a month maybe you can work it up little more, maybe you don't have time, maybe you are too busy with your schedule, maybe..... I don't know lots of maybes…. Anyway didn’t wanted to see bossy, just wanted to tell you that you are really good with your work, I am going to follow it regularly, hope you don’t minding me following your blog and always commenting at your work .
Hey Sahil,
Thanks for your comment. I'm sorrry for such a late reply.
You guessed right, I'm getting lesser time every time to write. But thanks to your post, I can't wait to get back to blogging.
Also, although I call myself a mild feminist, I agree with you when you say that women drivers are luckier.
It's a very sad state of things, isn't it?
Hey there,I am glad my words made you go back blogging.
I sure do hope so things wouldn't be this complicated in the world, but what the hell, I love it.
p.s the facebook badge you created, lets people know your email id.
Yes, you did make me go back to blogging.
I'll take care of the badge.
Looking forward for your new post.
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